My calendar

My calendar is public and open, so everyone can see what I am working on.

I start early

I am early to bed and early to rise. I like to start the day by—as chefs say—mise en place (getting my shit together).

<aside> <img src="/icons/alarm_red.svg" alt="/icons/alarm_red.svg" width="40px" /> I will often be up 4 or 5 to get a head start on the day

I'll read emails, browse the web, build presentations, catch up on tasks and do things that would otherwise distract my day.


That doesn't mean you have to start early too! You don't need to respond at silly o'clock just because I message you. It's just how I like to work.

It helps me be organised and gives me some flexibility in my day, and allows me to sometimes finish a bit earlier too.